Updated April 21, 2014
To request the release of funds to initiate activity(ies) not involving the use of human subjects and/or live vertebrate animals, the IRO Confirmation of Limited Activity Form (CLAF) must be submitted to the IRO. Please note that only activities that are clearly severable and independent from activities that involve human or animal subjects may be conducted under this award until the project has received approvals, and approvals have been submitted and accepted by the agency as appropriate.
Instructions for Submission to IRO
- Complete Word doc file below
- Include the IR File #, if applicable on the form; and
- Include a copy of the grant/contract
Submissions can be made to irofunding@fredhutch.org.
Your application may be word processed, as long as the format is followed, or you may type the information into the form. To select a box, double click on the and select "checked" in the "default value" box and click "ok".
Please contact the IRO Director if you have any questions regarding this paperwork. We are prepared to assist anyone who may need advice. Your cooperation in all of these matters is much appreciated and helps to process your materials more rapidly.
Signing this form certifies that only activities that are clearly severable and independent from activities that involve human or animal subjects may be conducted under a specific grant award until the project has received approvals, and approvals have been submitted and accepted by the agency as appropriate.